Not Just for the Bees: Why Do People Eat Edible Flowers?

Flowers aren’t just for the bees anymore! Humans have been eating flowers for years and now we recognize the culinary properties and health benefits of these flowers. We love producing flowers not only because of their beauty but because of the culinary properties surrounding the flowers! Many people love eating flowers! People eat flowers for […]
Are Microgreens Sustainable? How Our Company Plans to Reduce Our Carbon Footprint.

Are Microgreens Sustainable? How Our Company Plans to Reduce Our Carbon Footprint. There are a lot of issues in our environment, so it is reasonable to ask whether something can be considered sustainable. The sustainability of our business is something that we are conscious of, whether it’s the ethics of our business practices or even […]
Pairing Microgreens for Food and Flavor

There are many health benefits of microgreens, and they are an extremely flavorful food as well. In addition to their great taste, microgreens are also loaded with nutrients. Exactly what kind of microgreens one grows depends on the variety cultivated with the microgreens. There are some types of microgreens that have a spicy taste, while […]